Thursday, August 5, 2010

More to Come

"There is no wild essence, like the red squirrel under threat but still holding on, which we could use to repopulate the wilderness. There is nothing real to go back to, and nothing at all of what existed before the motorway now survives." - Monsieur Dupont

We can only go forward, in the long run. The question is "to what?"

Those who are interested in this blog will note that my old posts have been erased. Those who know me will know that I have always maintained a firm position politically as a Communist, philosophically as a materialist.

For all intents and purposes, I would still consider myself a Marxist. That is in the sense that I am a Darwinist; while new discoveries and experiences have unraveled some positions of these great theorists, the core of their exploration remains intact and a useful foundation for newer, better ideas.

In my departure from Leninism, I embraced Anarchism. I would still consider myself an Anarchist. But we must be clear about what these things mean; terms are so confusing in the political milieu.

A summary of my position is negation. I am uncompromisingly opposed to everything that represents the world around me, in all of its backwardness and reaction. We live not only in a time marked by great and monstrous inequities and cruelties, but a time marked by devastation and despair. Nonetheless, it is not enough to understand and lament the universe for its current form. Its important to recognize the greatest tragedy of all: not just that it exists or has come to exist, but that its existence is both necessary and unavoidable.

We are thus trapped in a paradox: we oppose that which exists, but the only way out of it is through it. Those of us with an objective view can plainly see that no social revolution is nigh or even plausible. We also see that social reform is not only incapable of fixing the problem but manages to exacerbate it significantly.

Those of us who are paying attention to history and current events sees the American empire's might being challenged by a rising economic power in China, much as Germany felt threatened by England before World War I. We see a growing nationalist, religious fundamentalist, socially conservative movement gaining steam very quickly in the United States. We're seeing not only the prospect of a new world war, but the unavoidable birth of Fascism and the rise of a new Hitler (with Glenn Beck Himmler on propaganda ops) to challenge America's Wiemar reformist president, Obama.

Not only is this a backwards time, it is an archaic and primitive time.

This is all humanity is. Apes with books and cars. Stop trying to giving him Marx and Kropotkin; he can't possibly understand!

Those of us who are conscious Communist and Anarchists know there is nothing we can do of any social importance, however much we wish there was. Objective forces are lined up against our vision. Communism does not exist as a social relation, only as an unimplementable theory which a tiny minority even finds worth considering. We are time travellers from the world of tomorrow stuck in a nightmarish past that we can neither conquer or comprehend. We are doomed to defeat, failure, and death with no meaningful accomplishments to our name. We're fucked, and we're going to hell in a handbasket.

What is to be done?

More to come.

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